Accountants Success Network

Build your network, grow your firm

Chartered Accountants Hall, 1 Moorgate Place, London EC2R 6EA 09:00 - 13:00 11 September

Chartered Accountants Hall, 1 Moorgate Place, London EC2R 6EA 09:00 - 13:00 9 October

Chartered Accountants Hall, 1 Moorgate Place, London EC2R 6EA 09:00 - 13:00 13 November

Chartered Accountants Hall, 1 Moorgate Place, London EC2R 6EA 09:00 - 13:00 11 December

£49 / ticket

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Limited spaces available

Why are we running these events?

At these LIVE in person events, we will be having a maximum of 12 people in the room, all firm owners or partners.

Running your own firm, even if you have a large team, can often be lonely. These meetings are an opportunity to build relationships with other owners, share ideas, tips, mistakes and successes.

You are not alone.

Qualifying Criteria

  • UK Accountancy Firm Owner or Partner
  • Be willing to share their experiences – Mistakes and Successes
  • Have a good sense of humour!

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Introduction
Guest Speaker Presentation – This will change for each session, we will invite key parties we know that contribute positively to the group. Topics will include:
– Marketing
– Exit planning and Private Equity
– Recruitment and offshoring
– Pricing
– Technology 
– Dealing with difficult clients
Networking Breakout Sessions
Roundtable Discussion
Practical session on marketing, client acquisition, or technology tools
Feedback and Future Plans
Closing Remarks
Informal Networking (Optional over a sandwich)



for attendance. Teas and coffee provided.

All guests are invited to network further afterwards at a local pub for lunch. The price does not include lunch.

Please share with your friends.


Chartered Accountants Hall

Charity Partner.

All profits for this event will be donated to the London Air Ambulance Charity.
The purpose of the event is to bring practising accountants together.

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